Research Investment Research Disclosures

Investment Research Disclosures

  1. In the past 12 months, Allenby Capital Limited or its affiliates have had corporate finance mandates or managed or co-managed a public offering of the Relevant Issuer’s securities or received compensation for Corporate Finance services from the Relevant Issuer.
  2. Allenby Capital Limited expects to receive or intends to seek compensation for Corporate Finance services from this company in the next six months.
  3. The Investment Analyst or a person connected with the Investment Analyst has a long position in the shares or derivatives of the Relevant Issuer.
  4. The Investment Analyst or a person connected with the Investment Analyst has a short position in the shares or derivatives of the Relevant Issuer.
  5. As of the month end immediately proceeding the date of publication of this report, or the prior month end if publication is within 10 days following a month end, Allenby Capital Limited and/or its affiliates beneficially own 1% or more of any class of common equity securities of the Relevant Issuer.
  6. A senior executive or director of Allenby Capital Limited or a connected person is an officer, director or advisor, board member of the Relevant Issuer and / or one of its subsidiaries.
  7. Allenby Capital Limited’s Investment Analysts are paid in part based upon the profitability of Allenby Capital Limited which includes revenues derived from corporate finance clients. Under no circumstances is Investment Analyst remuneration linked to the success of individual corporate transactions, although Investment Analysts may be paid in part indirectly based on the profitability of the corporate finance division of Allenby Capital Limited.

Unless otherwise stated the share prices used in research publications are taken at the close of business for the day prior to the date of publication. Allenby Capital Limited’s Conflict of Interest Policy can be found here.

Company NameDisclosuresCompany NameDisclosures
Active Energy1,2Location Sciences1,2
Advanced Oncotherapy1,2Mirada1,2
Aeorema Communications1,2Mobile Tornado1,2
Ajax Resources1,2Mobility One1,2
Alpha Growth1,2MTI Wireless Edge1,2
Applied Graphene1,2NAHL1,2
Baron Oil1,2Newbury Racecourse1,2
Bens Creek1,2Newmark Security1,2
Biome Technologies1,2Nightcap1,2
Blackbird1,2Osirium Technologies1,2,3
Braveheart Investment Group1,2Panther Securities1,2
Caledonian Trust1,2Panthera Resources1,2
Character Group1,2Pipehawk1,2
Chill Brands1,2Proteome Sciences1,2
Cizzle1,2Proton Motor Power Systems1,2
Conroy Gold & Natural Resources1,2ReNeuron1,2
Crystal Amber1,2Rockfire Resources1,2
Deltex1,2Sabien Technology1,2
Deltic Energy1,2San Leon1,2
EnSilica1,2,3Slingsby (HC)1,2
First Property1,2Spectra Systems1,2
Franchise Brands1,2SulNOx1,2
Frontier IP1,2Tavistock Investments1,2
Fusion Antibodies1,2Tern1,2
Hvivo1,2Transense Technologies1,2
Ince1,2Vela Technologies1,2
John Lewis of Hungerford1,2Walls & Futures1,2
Karelian Diamond Resources1,2Zephyr Energy1,2
Kodal Minerals1,2Zinnwald Lithium1,2

Research methodologies and definitions of research recommendations

Allenby’s equity research is based on a fundamental analysis of the companies covered whilst also taking into account the prevalent macroeconomic conditions. Our valuation methodology uses earnings multiples analysis and where appropriate, discounted cash flow valuation techniques.